
Bird Question???

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this may seem kind of stupid, but can you use the same nail clippers that are used for dogs for birds?





  1. Yes you can.  Just make sure that you clip well away from the blood vein in their claw.

  2. Not a stupid question, however I would not recommend using the same clippers. Simply use a standard pair, even a pair for babies to clip the birds nails. DO NOT USE with any other animal or human. Remember, birds carry salmonella....even if they don't have it, they carry the strain. You can infect others, animals and humans with the clippers. Be careful to wash your hands after clipping the nails.

  3. I use the regular small (finger) nail clippers to cut my birds toenails. I have finches and cockatiels. I think it depends on two things, what kind of bird you have and what size toenail clipper you have. What type of bird do you have? Dog nail clippers come in differant sizes. I have a Doberman and a Chihuahua so I have two diff size nail clippers for them.

    So if you have a big parrot, you could use big dog clippers. But not the other way around.

    While it's true that birds can carry salmonella, it's usually spread (if they are carriers) through f***s. You can then contract it by not washing your hands.

    The five diseases that can be carried by birds are Salmonella, Chlamydia psittaci , Avian Tuberculosis, HistoPlasmosis and Cryptoccus.

    Good luck and be sure to have the styptic powder handy.

  4. it depends on the kind of bird. but i wouldnt think so in general. if your still not sure, try googling it.

  5. Depends on the size of the bird. If it is a large parrot then yes if not then no. They have bird nail scissors and clippers at the pet store that are really cheap. i would also keep floour or syptic on hand in case you clip the nail to short as they really bleed.
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