
Bird afraid of people?

by  |  earlier

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I've had a parakeet for a month or two now. It moves like crazy! You can't go near it. It flies to the other side of the cage. He won't even bite because he is so scared! What should I do?




  1. Hello.

    You wear a soft glove , hold it and rub it in the nose & face ( that's who parakeets say Hello to each other ) then talk gently to it , rub in the belly ...try to do a routine holding like that every day , talk to it softly , sooner or later it will be warm to you and learn to trust you . Hope this help . TM.

  2. How old is your bird??

    Has it been kept and reared  in an Aviary??

    If you can get hold of it hold it in your hand and turn your hand  quickly so that the bird is on its back,this will mesmerise the bird then tickle it's tummy slowly turn it back then stroke its head.

    Do this  once daily  for 3 days.!!!!!!!

    I used trick when preparing birds for exhibition.

  3. cup it in your hand and tickle its head for 10 mins it works like a treat
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