
Bird cages?

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Ok so my dad is letting me finally get a bird! ok.... but im not aloud to get a bird cage that is metal....and i cant train it to live without one because i gota cat and a dog. Any one know where i can get it? and plz dont leave comments saying dont get one if you have other animals or so on Plz help me find one




  1. why cant u get a metal bird cage?

    cages have to be metal, and you need the cage

    without the cage your bird is unsafe and could get seriously injured

  2. You definitely need the cage to protect the bird from itself.  Other animals are generally not an issue.  All animals can get along without killing each other if they're acquainted with one another properly.  I had an aunt who's finch used to ride around on her cat's head.  And my large breed dogs have no issues with my daughter's hamster.

    However, birds are very inquisitive and curious.  Unfortunately, they have no hands so they check everything out with their beaks.  This can lead to poisoning if the bird chews on the wrong thing.  Besides, they'll tear up your wood furniture if you leave them out.

    You need a cage and it has to be metal or the bird will eat it (Unless you put it in a large fish tank) which could be an option if your father is totally against metal.  But make sure the tank is large so the bird is comfortable and also get stickers or something to put on the outside and put a lot of them on so the bird can see where the boundaries are and won't fly into the glass.

  3. You need to keep your bird in a cage of some sort, especially if you have other pets. Many household items pose serious risks to birds, which are like small children: even if you manage to teach them not to do something, you cannot trust them to behave when they know you aren't watching.

    You may be able to hide exposed wires from naughty beaks, but can you be certain that the toilets in your house always have the lids closed, or tha the bathroom doors are always closed? That you never use ceiling fans, even in the hottest weather? How will you cook, you will always have to make sure that the bird does not fly onto the stove and become burned to death. And windows pose a serious danger, because a bird cannot easily see them, and may fly into one and break its neck. You would have to keep the blinds down all the time. And all lamps would have to be safe and covered on top, because a bird whose natural instinct is to land in high places might burn his feet if he lands on a metal part or on the bare bulb itself.

    Also, cats and dogs cannot be trusted around birds. Some dogs can be taught that birds are family members rather than prey, but it is still never a good idea to leave a dog and a bird in the same room unsupervised. It only takes one mistake or moment of forgetfulness on the animal's part and your bird's life will be ended. And cats can never be taught not to hunt; it's instinctive and it's unfair to expect them to behave differently from how they were meant to. They can't just flip a switch and stop being hunters. This is only aggravated by the fact that pet birds happen to be prey animals, and act like prey animals, which triggers a cat's hunting instincts. Some cats get along well with birds, but these are rare cases and cannot be considered an example of what will "probably" happen between a typical bird and a typical cat.
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