
Bird c**p = good luck?

by  |  earlier

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so i was outside walking and then a bird crapped on my head.

i was embarassed of course, and then my friend was like .. that means good luck.

i dunno i kinda find it hard to believe but yeahhat do u guys think?




  1. if the definition of good luck means washing off bird c**p/diseases, then yes, its good luck.

  2. yupp !! it is supposed to mean good luck !!

  3. I've never heard of that being good luck before. But it makes me think of a funny Japanese luck symbol: golden p**p. The Japanese word for c**p, unchi, rhymes with something lucky I guess. I wonder if the bird c**p has some kind of cultural luck meaning like that?

  4. You have received a divine blessing!  j/k

  5. Not true.  I have pet birds who sit on me, and if being crapped on was good luck, I'd be a millionaire and wouldn't live with my annoying sister anymore.  Your friend was either trying to make you feel better or thinking of water dripping in caves (which I'm not entirely sure does anything either).

  6. That's just something people say so you don't feel so bad about being crapped on. ;P

  7. yes it is a superstition that means that you have good luck.

  8. good luck? i don't think so cuz poo on head doesn't sound very lucky to me  
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