
Bird egg fell out?

by  |  earlier

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there is a birds nest in a small tree in my backyard i was walking up and i scared the chicks inside i think one flew off but the other stayed on the ground will the mom take them back to the nest and an egg fell out it cracked and part of the egg shell broke off what do i do with it will it live




  1. OK... if u touch the egg, or the baby, there is a guarantee that the mother will not return. if the baby is tooooooooo young, it wont be able to survive without its mom. the only thing you can do to save it is make sure it is warm at ALL TIMES! feed it worms or bread crumbs. make sure there is WATER! dip your finger into the water and put it slightly above its beak... it should eat and drink if you followed these directions CAREFULLY. if you did follow these directions but it still wont eat or drink... it could die without its mother... sorry. 60% chance it will die without mom.

    40% chance... you can save it!!!!!! good luck!

  2. if one baby flew out more then likely that egg doesnt even have a bird inside. normally eggs hatch around the same time but sometimes mama birds lay empty eggs. since the babys are old enough to fly kinda i dout that egg is worth anything. plus if you bring the egg put to the nest you could make matters worse for the ones that hatched and are there. i know you have great intentions but it would be best to leave it or toss it
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