
Bird healthy?

by  |  earlier

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hey guys i just got a green rumped parrotlet :D and i no completly nothing on them i want to ask if i can get any facts. also i was wondering can i feed him any fruits or vegatbles and he likes going out of his cage are there any foods i shouldnt feed it any snacks?wat should i play with it wen hes out of his cage??? ohhh and he has a little metal thing on his leg that says 56 tec wat is it for??? thanks:D




  1. parrotlets are the sweetest of parrots.  They love attention and love fruits and veggies.  No Chocolate!  My little guy I have as a pet (not the breeders) loves to be on my finger and to be scratched around the jaw and ear areas.  Give him lots of toys in the cage too, they can keep themselves busy playing, but like to be out of the cage too.  Alot of people band their birds for identification, I do not.

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