
Bird in my house problem

by  |  earlier

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I would give a good attempt to catch it but the last time I tried that the bird died of a heart attack or something. This bird was in here yesterday also and gave h**l to come out. Today its back after walking into the house for 3 minutes and accidentally leaving the door open. It seems to have a better understanding of my house now and has it much easier to run circles around me now cause I'm the only one here now unlike yesterday when my girlfriend was here to cut off its flight paths.

It seriously looks like it doesnt want to come out cause all doors and windows are open and it only flies around them. I wouldnt have much of a problem having it in the home if it wasn't goin to c**p all over it. But I have an appointment in an hour and its taking up my time so what should I do??




  1. Try baiting it, cut up bread on the floor all the way to the door. Just remember he is as scared of you as you are of him/her. If you have any ceiling fans make sure you turn them off or you will have a "real" mess.

  2. I wonder what kind of bird it is..

    If I were in your shoes, I'd just leave the door and window open. The bird should find its own way out--with or without the bait.

    Animal control is my friend though, I'd call them--just in case company drops by...bird p**p everywhere..? Yek.

  3. call animal control or use a huge net to catch it... :)

  4. just put a line of bird food leading out the door and it might leave

  5. I think you should leave a trail of food like bread and it will follow it

    For example put 1 piece of bread 1 metre apart leading to the door to escape and it will eventually leave but make sure you close the door and windows after


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