
Bird owners - help?

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I'm thinking about getting a bird as a pet - I'd like a budgie or a canary.

Should I get just one bird, or two? What are average costs for upkeeping the bird? Are they difficult to take care of? What is your experience with them?

I've been doing research but certain questions are best answered by actual owners themselves.

If you have any other useful info, please share!!

Thanks so much!




  1. If you are looking for a good holdable pet I would suggest a budgie for a begginer bird owner. When you get two of any kind of bird they become more attached to the other bird rather than the owner. Good Luck !

  2. i have 4 birds...they are canaries.....they sing beautiful!!!....u should get two birds the female and the male because they are used to be with their pair.....if u only buy one then it has a big chance of do not have to spend that much money on birds......u only spend the food money and cage......u have to put newspaper at the bottom at the cage so thta when they p**p they p**p on the newspaper then u change it every week.....u don't need that much experince but u do need love to give them because just cuz they are birds don't mean they don't want llove.....u have to change the water and food every day...i suggest u put each pair in one cage .....if u have any questions on upon birds  just ask me.....ive been a bird owner for over 3 years.....hope i helped

  3. I have had two budgies for a few years now. The cost of caring for them is really pretty low. A decent bag of seed from Petco will be about $10 and that will last for several weeks. You will also want to occasionally give them millet, as well as bars that contain fruit and seeds in them. They love the millet, but there's not much nutritional value in it for them. The fruit and seed bars are great if you need to leave them alone for a couple of days if you go on vacation. You'll also want to stimulate them mentally by buying them cage toys every once in awhile. These are also very cheap however, just a few dollars per.

    Birds are not difficult to care for, but you cannot neglect them. You'll need to clean the bottom of the cage at least every other week, and you'll find that they drop a lot of feathers and seed husks on the floor surrounding the cage, which can be a pain, but if you keep a dustbuster handy, it's not a huge deal. One other thing to consider is the noise level. I've only had budgies and they can be quite loud; they seem to chirp louder when the sun shines in through the window or when they hear certain sounds, like running water. Someone told me that canaries have a sweeter chirp, so you should ask your pet store about that. Sometimes, when I have company, I move the birds to another room, because they can be pretty distracting. Good luck!
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