
Bird pecking at window?

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There is a small brown bird, like a sparrow, that comes every day, pecks at the window for a couple minutes, then goes away. It's a ground floor window. I checked, and there's no nest or food. Why is it coming like this?




  1. Some birds really have a fancy for just that one thing only.

    It is seeing it's reflection and it is considering it's reflection as it's foe. The reason why it doesn't peck other windows could be that it has not discovered it's reflection on other windows.

    I have seen this with one particular Jungle Babbler. It would keep pecking at these window pieces which our neighbours have embedded on the their wall to prevent strangers scaling the wall.

    All the other babblers would do their chores and this particular one had a fancy for only that piece of mirror. It would come at the same time in the morning and evening and start doing it everyday.

    It was really amusing and funny.

  2. the possibilty of it being stressed should be evident now.. as in animal behaviour.

  3. Do you have plants on the windows sill? How about shiny or reflective objects? Anything that even remotely looks like seeds? Finally, go outside to see if the window is reflecting anything that looks like seed. Other than that, I have no idea. A hummingbird pecks at my window because of a hanging stained-glass flower in the window.

  4. Your bird is coming to that window because it's in 'its" own territory, and it sees another bird of its same species invading.  The "other" bird is its own reflection in the glass.  When it arrives every day to feed on seeds or whatever, it sees this "other bird" and that bothers it.  Animals do NOT understand "reflections" and the ability for glass, chrome, mirrors, or water to show them "back" their own images.  Dog, cats, birds, and even Apes can be kept amused for days with their own images in a mirror.

  5. Yeah  its seeing it's reflection.

  6. it likes your home =) i'd feed it and make a home for it.

  7. Kill it.

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