
Bird question?!?!!???

by  |  earlier

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Last night i noticed that my parrot had a something growing on his eye, it was red sticking out and when he blinked it looked like it was bothering him. Dismorning i woke up and checked up on his eye and it wasn't there, then when he blinked like it popped up,then went away,then he blinked again it popped up again and stayed there but it wasn't red like last night it was white. I heard that sometimes your bird can get something like this if he has poor nutrition but my parrot eats table food,fruit,seed,and everything you can imagine.I'm scared to take him to a vet because i don't want to make him go through the stress.Does anyone know what this is?Do you think it is infection?Thanks!!




  1. no more table food!! Plus is he allergic anything? If nothing improves it isn't gone by 3 days take him to the vet urgently.

  2. give him a  cuttle bone for calcium. but it could be one of those pink small seeds that went in hi eye and he can get it out. im not sure. if you love your bird and this gets worse just go to a vet. and i know i dont like to go to the vet too. but if theres no solution thats what you have to do. sorry i cant help.

    but it could be a pink seed let me know. i could be wrong

  3. Birds have a "third eyelid", called the nictating membrane.  While we see them closing their outer eyelids when they're sleeping, the nictating membrane actually sweeps across the eye continuously.  What you are seeing MAY be an injury to or a growth on that membrane.  I would suggest you take your bird into an avian vet for evaluation.



  4. Doesnt sound like an infection but maybe something that may go away in time. Just keep an eye on it. And do not feed the bird table scraps of meat, cocolate or avacodo.
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