
Bird seed kept for a year is now powder with empty shells on top.What is eating it and how should I dispose.?

by Guest60830  |  earlier

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the shells are seed shells. I was scared that it could be some crop eating bug that was imported with the seed. I have then in clear plastic tubs at the moment but cant see the culprits.




  1. Best option is to dispose of the seed by throwing outside for the wild critters...the seed will also sprout when some is not consumed which the wild critters will also thrive from. You can also try sprouting the seeds[online instructions are available, simple type in sprouting seed] yourself & then offering the sprouts [in container] to your feathered ones. Giving year old yukky seed to ones pets is not beneficial...especially if the seed was not kept appropriately. When you have large quantities of seed knowing it will be a length of time before using, the best way to perserve it is by: sealing in bags with vacuum seal[removing all air], then labeling & placing in the freezer. I do this regularly & it is a huge savings as well as the best way to keep my feathered ones consuming healthy products. When you thaw the bag of seed out for use, I allow it to air dry before placing in a container for regular daily use, this will prevent any chance of moisture developing into mold. Very important to do this. I hope this information has helped you somewhat. Try keeping food fresh & buy appropriate amounts or strore adequately for later use always. Take care~

  2. It could be anything eating it. If you aren't finding casks anywhere in the seed, then my money is on a rodent, though rodents would usually take the seed away and come back to it for more instead of eating it on the spot.

    There may be small insects, such as worms eating the seed as well, tough to say without pictures. If by shells you mean that they appear to be insect sheddings, then that is probably what the case is.

    As a disposal method, I would suggest composting. You can most likely use the remaining powder and shells to generate some nice organic soils for your garden or someone you know. I'm assuming that you have a large amount of seed. If not, then I would just throw it in the trash.


    Well, if you have multiple buckets filled with the seed, and all three have been eaten, and all three were sealed, then you may have something on your hands in terms of a crop eater. I highly doubt, it, though.

    My suggestion is that you take a photo of whatever evidence you can and email it to one of the professors of entomology at your local university. Otherwise, you can try the University of Michigan:

    That's your best bet, I would say. I appreciate your concern for what you may have in your buckets. Some people would be far more cavalier with this sort of thing.

  3. Put the seeds in the freezer for a few days.  That should kill any insects that might be in it.  Then, put in a tightly closed plastic bag and throw away

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