
Bird stuck in chimney?

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i think there is a bird stuck in the chimney behind my fire. I first heard it a week ago today but thought nothing of it (i thought it was a bird outside or something) then a few days later, i heard it again and realised it was coming from my fire. I've been trying to get in touch with my landlord since then as i know i won't be able to let anyone take the fireplace apart without his consent. The thing is, I didn't realise a bird would be able to live that long (it's been there for at least a week)? If the bird dies, will it smell and attract flies etc or can i just leave it? Any help is much appreciated as i really feel uncomfortable sitting in my living room knowing a bird is dying a few feet away from me

. thanks




  1. call the rspca they are the experts

  2. a dead bird stinks and is full of dieases.

    cats have been killings birds for centuries. cant you figure this out?

  3. call a chimmey sweeper they will get it out

  4. that happened to me once. a pigeon had a nest on the top and fell inside. if you open the flue it may drop down into your home and fly around crazily. if you turn up the heat and smoke (wet log) it might fly up and out.

  5. Lol. That happened to me. And if it's been there for a week, it's deffinetely not dying. You probably have a nest in your chimney. If you can, I'd suggest waiting on getting the bird out to give any eggs/chicks a chance to live. If the bird hasn't died and it keeps coming back, then you have either the start of a nest (only one week, right?) or you have a family. The average time for the entire process (building the nest, laying, etc.) is about one to two months, give or take. Since the nest isn't completely finished, you could wait for the bird to leave the chimney (this would require finding the entrance they use) and block the opening off. Before doing so, please check to see if there are living chicks. You'll here a burst of peeps as soon as a parent flies in.

    DO NOT open the flu unless you know how to catch a wild bird in your house (see second to last sentence).

    If the bird dies, and I highly doubt it will, you will have to deal with it immediately. In other words, call animal control.

    Also, a cat will not do a thing to help. (a) they can't get through the flu (don't let one). (b) If it gets in the chimney, chances are, it'll get stuck (or it'll become feral) and (c) You'll have a very smelly, very hard to clean, very disgusting mess.

    Please, if you have any decency and respect at all, do not burn anything to try and get them out. Not only is it animal cruelty, but it won't do a thing to help. Plus, if you end up suffocating it/them to death, you'll have a dead bird(s)

    And you don't have one bird hanging out up there, you have two. The dad does his share too.

    And I wouldn't try doing this yourself as it's illegal to touch a wild bird or egg of any sort.

    Good luck!
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