
Bird wings?

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I got my female budgie 2 weeks ago and its somewhat tame. when i got her her wings weren't clipped so i clipped them but now she can somewhat fly is that normal for her wings to grow back so fast? and if i got a male budgie and kept it in a separate cage, would it bond with me if i played with him a lot even if the other bird is in the same room?




  1. Budgies as well as the other australian species cocketiels are very light birds and they sometimes need a more extensive wing clip than most. the feathers will also grow in much quicker than some birds so just keep and eye out. if it were up to me i would free fly my birds but its extremely dangerous with all the hazards around my home so im forced to clip my lovebirds wings :( and yes to ur other question as well. she will bond with you even though there is another bird but thats a good idea that you got her a friend to tlak to while ur away:) good luck

  2. oooooooohhhhhh thats hard

    help it when it needs held and watch wat it does

  3. Yes and yes.
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