
Birds and cutting him self in my dream? please help?

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had this dream last night that has me confused and scared. i was in a room (nothing special) and there was this trashcan or container thing. i opened it up and i took a piece of news paper out and this guys head was there. his whole body was, he was just hiding i guess. so i climbed in with him. i'm not exactly sure, but maybe he was my boyfriend or someone i felt emotionally attached to. i'm single right now though. but anyway, he was the kind of boy that wears black, black hair, you know, the punk, goth type. but no chains etc. so i asked him what he was doing or something and he held up his hands. like his arms and hands were together and his palms were facing me. on his forearm he had this picture of a bird that he drew with a marker. it was red with lots of different colors around it. 1/2 was on one arm and 1/2 was on the other arm, but when he put his arms together, it made the whole picture. and then on his right wrist, he had a cut. and on his left wrist there was more like a scratch. i asked him why would he do this? i started to clean off the marker and cuts. it was like i was taking care of him or something. he just hung his head and he looked at me with these eyes that were full of pain and hurt. and then he raised his voice kinda and said - i'll do it again. i'll get something sharp and i'll do it again. i told him -no you have to stop this! on his left wrist where he had the scratch, i kept examining it and kissing it, trying to make it better. but he just kept looking at me with those eyes.

it kinda scares me. i don't have a boyfriend right now and i haven't had one in a really long time. i don't know what this means, if anything! please help. idk if this has to do with it, but i'm 13 and he was around the same age... thx so much!




  1. This is an extremely interesting dream...I don't know what to say but maybe you'll meet someone like him soon and it might actually happen. Like one day at school Someone may resemble him a new student perhaps.. and he has those sad eyes and maybe those wrist band things to hide his cuts and maybe you 2 will become friends and the part where u find him in a trash can maybe he was hiding from his pain trying to forget or get away and maybe you will care so much for him trying to make him sop at the top of your lungs and kissing his cuts to show sympathy and friendship or love...Now the bird may represent his heart? But I'm not a dream expert lol but ill be honest Ive had dreams that came true later realistic one.. Its weird how some dreams are so weird and hard to comprehend.. Your dream wasn't that scary it was more depressing, & nostalgic.

  2. black is unfavourable omen nd red reminds us to curb our temper....the bird sounds like a favourable omen  so in general i would say the dream is balanced as is your life..the cutting tells me to be aware of gossip oror behaviour that could be costly

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