
Birds and the <span title="bees.....................?">bees........................</span>

by Guest32567  |  earlier

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whats the easiest way of telling my little girl where children come from?




  1. It would have helped if you said your daughter&#039;s age, but I would say that God plants a seed in the mommy&#039;s stomach and it grows into a baby.  When the baby is fully grown, then the doctor takes it out of the belly and ta da, a baby is born.  Try to be as truthful as you can without explaining the sexual details.  As she gets older, then you can tell her how a baby is conceived out of love and that it takes a man and a women to plant the seed.

  2. Say hospitals make them out of old people and that&#039;s why there are more babies than there are old people. Or, tell her the stork drops them off at the hospital. Or, tell her that the doctors pick them from cabage patches. Or... Just say it&#039;s when a mommy and daddy love eachother...

  3. I think the easiest way would be to tell them. When mom and dad get married they love each other very much. When God see this and the time is right a seed is planted in mom. The baby grows in mom and when the time is  right she goes to the hospital and the baby is born. They have the answer to their question with out a lot of detail. It will satisfy them. I hope this will help you. Good Luck.

  4. i say tell her about s* the nicest posible way shes gona find out anyway better coming from u

  5. Mummy and Daddy really love each other and when they love each other lots they make a special bond and then mummy gets pregnant and in 9months a baby grows inside mommy and then they take her to the hospital where the baby is born and then the grow up with the mommy and daddy.

  6. Get some books designed specifically for &quot;the talk&quot;!  I bought my daughter the book &quot;what&#039;s happening to me&quot; when i noticed the first signs of puberty kicking in.  It explains things honestly, but in a way that kids can understand.

    I showed her the parts of the book she was asking questions about and then I just told her briefly (and with minimal graphic detail) about how a baby is conceived.  It helped that I was pregnant at the time :)

    I just explained that the man has &quot;tadpoles&quot; (LOL) that swim up into fallopian tubes where they plant themselves in an egg inside mummy.  Then I explained about the womb and how the baby has a cord that is attached to mummy and that&#039;s how they are fed, and it is cut when they are born and becomes their belly button.

    After the talk I let her sit and read the book, and made sure she knew that she could come and ask me any question she wanted and I&#039;d give her an honest answer.  To be honest, I think I was more embarrassed than she was! LOL

    Good luck :)

  7. This wouldn&#039;t work for everyone, but my children adored a series of BBC videos about animals, and there was one about procreation, so the video included shots of animals mating.  Once my sons had seen that video a number of times, it was easy enough to let them know that mating=making babies.

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