
Birds ....?

by  |  earlier

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I want to make a bird feeder out of a pine cone. I heard you can cover a pine cone in peanut butter and then role it in bird seeds and they will stick to the peanut butter. But I don't have bird seeds, is there any other human foods birds like that i can put on my bird feeder? Will birds like it if I just cover the pine cone with peanut butter but don't put anything else on it?




  1. I use just plain peanut butter all the time..they stilll love it.  I have also tried putting some cheerios and occassionally bird seed when I have it..but plain peanut butter works too.

  2. Plain peanut butter will be fine or you can roll it in regular oatmeal, not instant.

  3. The best thing would be to let a piece of bread get stale. Once it is stale you can crumble it up and roll your peanutbutter pinecone in the crumbs. The birds will enjoy this very much.
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