
Birmingham uk .. awful place?

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i cant stand the place



awful accent

really bad crime record

run down

if u dont like shopping you wont like it

the only people who seem to like it are asians/africans or people frm multicultural societies because its cheap and they feel at home and will now brand me a racist

for the normal english guy who doesnt like shopping





  1. "the only people who seem to like it are asians/africans or people frm multicultural societies"'re forgetting its chavs which make up 95% of the population

    I am not a malicious person, but I do truly believe that natives of Birmingham inherit a triarchic disorder, characterized by subaverage cognitive functioning and deficits, which is only erased by moving away from the area, severing all links, and deliberately attempting to eradicate all traces of the personality of the area; slow mental process, lack of restraint, and furtiveness. Few have even wanted to do so.

  2. I have only been there twice and it was a forgetfull experience but arnt most major city's like that nowadays ?.

  3. I would guess you come from London, as that's where the "attitude" towards people from Birmingham usually comes from, and all I can say to you is, we loathe Londoners, and London, as much as you hate Birmingham, but at least people from Birmingham have better manners, a better sense of humour, and there is half the crime in Birmingham as there is in London, so take some of advice from a "Brummie" if you don't like our City, YOU KNOW WHAT YOU CAN DO DON'T YOU???

  4. Well, if you don't like it, then don't visit it. Simple, really.

    I moved to Brum to go to Uni. I don't think it's the best place in the world, but I don't think it's that bad.

    You are a racist. You make racist comments and you have racist opinions. People aren't unjustly branding you anything.

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