
Birth Chances???

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What are the chances that two babies (not twins) will be born on the same day, but in different years? (This happened to my uncles. They were both born on May 20th two years apart)




  1. Well, on Inside Edition, they showed a while back maybe like in September where all three boys were born on the same day, October 2nd but different years.

  2. If it is possible, given enough time it happens.

    Think about hospitals in large cities. It is possible for two babies with separate mothers to be born at the same time. These are known as time twins. Happens more often then you may think.

  3. no one knows

    it can happen

    my cousie brother and his twin daughters have same day same month and same date

  4. Not too unlikely, all 4 children in my family were born in May within days of each other, my mother in law was born on her dad's birthday.

  5. Could be you never know :) x
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