
Birth Control Help....!?

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My mum is making me go to see a doctor so I can get on birth control cause my period has been acting weird for a couple of months now....

Are all the doctor's female?

What will I have to do?

What kind of question's will she/he ask me?

Are they different kinds of birth control?

Will I get to choose if there is or will they choose for me?




  1. don't worry about it soo much . it'll be a breeze  :]

  2. If you want a woman doctor then you need to tell your mom.

  3. you are the patient...Not your mom! 1 type of bc is closing your legs & chasitity belts.

  4. *The doctors are female if you want them to be. If it makes you more comfortable, tell your mom that you would prefer a female doctor over a male.

    *You won't have to do too much except answer questions.

    *The doctor will ask you about your health history and your life style. They'll ask personal questions too, such as if you're having s*x already and such.

    *There are many, many kinds of birth control. They're all different but have similar purposes.

    *You give them your preferences and they'll help you decide what you get. Of course you have a say in what you want, too - it is, afterall, for you and not them.  

  5. coat hangars should be your last resort 4 birth control contrary to what others have said.

  6. If you've ever seen comercials, you will know that there are, in fact, different kinds.

  7. you should request a female doctor if that's what you're more comfortable with. you will have to have a pap smear ( she'll ask questions about your s*x life if you have one. and there are many different types of birth control ( you will get to choose which one you like more. life if you want to have a pill that you take every day, or the nuvaring you can change once a month. or a shot every three months. it's all personal preference.

    don't feel shy or anything. ask everything you want, doctors are used to it! :) good luck  

  8. My mom did the exact same to me a month ago, only mine was also for the fact that my boyfriend adn I are starting to become really serious, not only because my periods are major out of whack.

    My doctor is a female and thats who i got it from.

    All i had to do was answer questions.

    Basically she asked "do you smoke." "are you sexually active." "what do you want it for." "will you promise to take it seriously." and said "when you do become sexually active, come back for a ppap smear, even if mom doesn't know, just so we can make sure you're healthy."

    I am on the pill form, which you probably will get too.

    My doctor chose for me.

    Good luck, and its a life saver!

    Plus, you get to know the ACTUAL DAY your periods come instead of guessing and hoping!

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