
Birth Control Side Effects Before/After?

by  |  earlier

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I want to know what BC you ladys are on.

What side effects you had when you started and after you stopped taking it.

Also does any one have the same experience as me Iwent on Yaz for three months lost appetite and weight as well but as soon as i stopped taking it im back to my regular weight and i get super hungry.




  1. You should know that any medical tablets having side effects. Discover all possible side effects below but it does not mean everybody has it.

  2. I took lo'orvo 28 until I had my tubes tied. I hated it, it made me very angry and unpleasant to be around and after I stopped taking it I bleed for 6 months at which time the Dr. told me that my only options were to wait out the bleeding or go back on the pill I chose to wait it out and bleed a total of 9 months.

  3. I take Ortho Tri-Cyclen. This is the only pill so far that i can take without having nausea, headaches, cramping etc. All BCs have different side effects. Your GYN will help you find the best one for your body. Just make sure you tell your he/she if you experience any bad side effects while taking BC. It is possible that the one you are/were taking may be to strong for you body and your dosage may need to be lowered.

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