
Birth Control and Plan B?

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I'm on the birth control,Yaz.I always take my pills (always at night) and if I miss a day I always take two the very next night,which is rare.Well,Last sunday my boyfriend and I were having s*x..He was wearing a condom,but I told him to pull out anyways because we like to be extremely safe..He pulled out like 10 seconds before he finished,looked down and realized he finshed on himself..the condom had broke! We ended up going straight to Walgreens and buying Plan B.I took it not even 30 mins after having s*x.

I usually start my period on the last white pill in my pack of Yaz..which was supposed to be today.

What are my chances of being pregnant? Should I get a test? Or wait a few days since I've heard Plan B can delay your period.




  1. i don't think you are . i mean , you took care of it down to the very last detail . birthcontrol , condom , pulling out , plan b ? if you are , then everything i believe in as of now is a lie ! lol . seriously . how much safer than that can you get ?

  2. If it's freaking you out to the point of not being able to get through the day, just take the test to make you feel better. BUT you really should be just fine. If you're on the pill and he pulled out, you should be absolutely fine. The odds of you being pregnant are literally extremely slim. Pulling out isn't really a great method of birth control, however you were on the pill as well, which is 99.9% effective. Also, Plan B really should've taken away any chance of you being pregnant.

    There are many reasons why you might be a little late. Just being on the pill can be a reason, and also you stressing out about perhaps being pregnant can absolutely make you late. Try to relax and your period should come pretty soon.

  3. buy a couple tests, take one now and then take one in a few days just to be sure

  4. I've been going CRAZY, wondering the same thing because your exact same situation happened to me last Tuesday :(

    I talked to my mom and honestly, that helped. She told me I'd be fine, that there probably were no chances of pregnancy. I'm expected to get my period in 2 weeks, but I feel like c**p right now.

    I too, went to a Walgreens and bought Plan B 20 minutes after the incident and I NEVER miss a dose of my Diane pill.

    It's amazing how similar our situations are!

    I was of NO help at all, but feel free to contact me if you need anything or just want to vent. I know the feeling of frustration. I can't even sleep.


  5. You're not meant to take it if you're on the pill especially if you haven't missed any lately. So yeah, it could well do weird stuff to your period. You're meant to get a period within 3 weeks of taking Plan B though. If not you can test for pregnancy. You're probably ok though if he pulled out and you're on the pill.


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