
Birth Control in Planned Parenthood for Minors

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I'm 16 years old, and I've been with my boyfriend for about a year. We talked about having s*x for the first time but we made sure that we both get tested just in case for STD's. We got tested and everything is negative, but I want to get on Birth Control pills to prevent pregnancy. Does Planned Parenthood give birth control to minors, without their parents knowing? I don't know whether I want to talk to my parents about it because they do come from a very religious background, and would be against it.

Thanks for your help.




  1. Planned Parenthood is completely confidential and will write a prescription for birth control to a minor without parental consent.

  2. Yes, Planned Parenthood will give you the pill or shot without telling your parents, because they completely ignore parental notification laws.

    Just to let you know, if you go on the shot, it will COMPLETELY s***w you up. That's what it did to me. If you use the ring, you'll get blood clots and probably DIE. It happend to a local woman. And the pill? The pill increases your chances of breast cancer.

    Not to mention that all three increase your risk of cervical cancer, as well as causing chemical abortions because the hormones in them cause a change in your uterus, making it impossible for an egg that does break through to implant.

    And then there's the IUD, which increases your risk of uturine and cervical cancer, as well as endometriosis. It scratches up the lining, so you still ovulate, and the egg still gets fertilized, but it can't implant, so the result is an abortion.

    And Planned Parenthood will tell you NONE of the risks, only press on you the benifits. And if you do get pregnant? They'll pressure you to have an abortion, because that is where the money is.

    Oh, and be prepared to pay at least $50 for the vist alone, and probably $50 or more for the birth control.

    Your best bet is simply to use condoms, consistantly and propperly.

  3. Yes they will and they base what you pay on your situation. They will give you a choice of any of several tri-cyclin pills. The best one in my opinion is the ortho tricyclin lo. However, you should consider getting your Mom involved because then you can go to a doctor rather than just a nurse and get a full work up and stay healthy. Plus you can get on a moncyclin birth control wich are way better. Try Loestrin 24, it has much shorter periods.

  4. it depends on where you live but yes as far as i know all planned parenthoods do give out birth control and reproductive care. this includes pelvic exams and personal health as well as pregnancy care and birth control even if you are under age

  5. Yes you can get it from Planned Parenthood without your parents knowing even though you're a minor. They will make you have a pelvic exam and pap smear first, and then they base how much they charge you on how much you make. If you don't have a job, you'll likely be able to get it for free. My friend had a part time job and got it for $10 a month.  

  6. Yes, everything at planned parenthood is confidential. When I was going there for BC I told them myself and my hubby(was boyfriend back then) were the only ones they could release information to and they respected that. Good luck.

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