
Birth Record from Prussia from 1850?

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Where do I go to find a Birth Record in Prussia from 1850. How do I find immigration records for that same person????




  1. There won't be birth records as we know them, but if they were Catholic or Lutheran you can get the baptismal record by ordering the film for the church in that town from the LDS.

    If they came over before 1892, there won't be much in the way of immigration records. The immigration laws weren't changed to ask more detailed info until 1892 and 1906. But you can usually find them in the series "Germans to America" at the library (it's kind of an almanac of every German and German Pole who came to the US in several giant volumes in the Reference section) or you can check to see if their record has been transcribed through the Battery Conservancy, a group creating an online index of all passengers coming through NYC before Ellis Island opened:

    If they came through Ellis Island, then the records are online at

    If they came after 1901, then contact the National Archives center for the state where they lived and you can request their Immigration and Naturalization file. It should include the name of the ship and date of arrival, their Alien Registration card, Declaration of Intent and Naturalization petition. You can find that center at the NARA website:

    If they were married in Poznan Prussia before coming to the US, you can look for them (or their parents) at the Poznan Marriage Index Project:

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