
Birth control and blood clots?

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I just started the birth control (alesse) 2 weeks ago and I feel a tightness around my chest. It hurts to look down and up ,to to the side and to lift my arms above my head. I just read in the package that birth control can cause clots and if you feel a heaviness in the chest area it may be a clot in the lung.....

has anyone else experienced these symptoms? do you think I should be worried; its been about 4 days since I've had these symptoms?




  1. yeah, go see your doctor

  2. Stop taking them and go to the doctor as soon as you can. Clots are not something to mess around with.  

  3. stop them and get to dr. asap to be safe. just seen sumpin on t.v about a 24 year old who was fine then 3 weeks later dead! she had a blood disorder which made her develop clots easier and the pills thru her over.

    but stop them NOW! better safe than sorry

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