
Birth control and hair?

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I've been reading things that say birth control reduces body and facial hair and the opposite of that, the hair comes in thicker. I have a lot of body and facial hair. (back, stomach, chest, upper lip, a little under my lower lip, sides of my cheeks, a lot in the arms, my butt, toes, fingers, a lot in the private too, overall just a lot of hair.) its very embarrassing, I'm only 16... I am not on birth control yet, and I have had this much body hair since I hit puberty pretty much, but I always had very hairy arms. Please tell me what you know about birth control or anything else that can help. I wax some things already and shave mostly the rest. Any medications? Thank you.




  1. well the more you wax and shave the thicker and the more hair will grow. i been on bc since i was 18 and im 24 going to be 25 in oct and i don't have alot of hair on my arms and when i tan my arm hair turn blonde and when im done tanning they turn dark brown. i think mostly italian people have alot of hair i do know that for a fact like the italian guys got hair on there backs, chest, hairy arms, stomach and ect they look like a bear cause they are so covered with hair its not even funny. honestly i don't know if there is anything you can take cause i never had any problems like that at all.  

  2. I've been taking Ortho Tri-Cyclen since about 16 or 17 and I haven't noticed any change in the amount of body or facial hair that I have.  It has pretty much kept my face clear of most acne though.  I believe that pills that are high in estrogen is what can cause excessive hair growth, so if you're going to a ob-gyn to get birth control, then discuss this concern with him/her.

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