
Birth control and pregnant??.?

by Guest59550  |  earlier

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can you get pregnant if you forget to take your pills two days in a row. and you have s*x between those two days?




  1. If you miss a pill then you are unprotected for 7 days from the date you didnt take the pill so to answer your question...yes you can.  

  2. It is very possible to get pregnant if you miss a dose of your BCP.  Even if you take them late, it is still possible since the hormones from the pills would have dipped to a level below therapeutic level.  The only way to know for sure is to test at the appropriate time.

  3. My sister got PG on BC and didn't know until she was 15 weeks.

    So yes, it is VERY possible... even for the pill not to work.  Remember they are only 99.98% effective... not 100%

    Good luck.

  4. Yes you can. It is very common due to the fact you are pumped with hormones and once you stop taking the pills many women are more fertile than before starting pills.

    I even got pregnant on birth control taking it correctly!  

  5. Yes, you can. Anytime you miss a pill and don't take double to make up for it, you leave yourself vulnerable to pregnancy. But it also depends on if you were ovulating in between those two days. If not, then it's unlikely the egg was fertilized. In general, the egg only survives 24 hours after it's released. If the sperm hasn't entered into the egg, then it gets discarded. Hope that helped!

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