
Birth control im a teen now should i take it ???

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okk so im 13 and idk if i should be on birth control or not.. Should I?




  1. honestly im not just sayin this just to like preach to you. but 13 is really too too young to have s*x. && if you already have soon you will regret it. i kno i did && when i lost my virginity i was 14. so aside from your question just dont have s*x & you wont have to worry bout havin a baby. but if you ever wanna talk about like somethin like that, im here. bcuz i was where you are.

    && trust me if you are doin this to be noticed or like for a guy its not worth it. trust me ive been there.

  2. only if you plan on having s*x then yes get on it and get that shot for hpv too  

  3. Are you sexually active? If so, then definitely yes. Even if I don't approve of s*x at that age, you really don't want to be getting pregnant. If you aren't sexually active, then don't. You don't want to mess with your hormone cycles unless it's really necessary. This site will probably be a good place for you to get advice and more information:

  4. Only if you decide to be sexually active. Preferably go with the condoms instead if you have to as the pill is hormonal and can impact on your moods and growth.

    Plus you can still get STD.

    If you're not sexually active as yet then do your research properly so you can make the right decisions when the time happens

    I recommend you wait I know it sounds corny but if you wait for the right person namely hubby to be they respect you a lot more if you were a virgin compared to having been around the block if you know what I mean.

  5. I am not going to try to tell you how to run your life. But if you are sexually active then i believe you should get birth control. And, also the Gardisil shot. Use protection. And be careful. You shouldn't be having s*x at 13- but a strangers word wouldn't change your thought of opinion, ya know? But just be careful. And if you are good w/ remembering to take pills then take the pills. If your not the depo or the patch are prolonged periods of birth control. No if you dont have s*x at all then you wont have to worry about BC

  6. are u stupid?? 13 is way to young. you have the rest of your life for s*x. s*x is meant to be a enjoyable safe experience not just an act to perform because everyone else is 'doing it'..  I waiting until i was 22 years old, best decision i made. Now  i am 32 years old, married with 2 young kids 23mths, 4 mths and gee it is the hardest,  enjoyable, experience will ever have.  If you were to get pregnant now, in your teens trust me you are not doing any justice to your kids or yourself.


  7. if you are planning on being sexually active then, DUH!

  8. Honey you have time.  13 is way too young, and birth control is not all that it is cracked up to me.

    Trust me, it almost killed me 3 weeks ago.  And now I am facing the possibility of spending the rest of my life on medication due to it.

    13 is too young, but when you decide to get birth control, you need to get tested.  There are genetic conditions and other things that can determine whether or not you are a good candidate for birth control.  So just wait a few years and then determine if you want to go ahead with it.

  9. 13 is too young to be sexually active. if you need to take it for other things like acne or bad cramps or w/e you should talk to your mom.

  10. Firstly, the person that called you a name was WAY out of line and I have reported them as such.  CALLING THIRTEEN YEAR OLDS SEXUALLY ABUSIVE NAMES IS NEVER OKAY !

    So ... remembering back to being 13 and considering having s*x, I am so so glad that I waited a few years.  But it's your body, and I'm sure that no one can tell you what to do anyway, so these are just my thoughts.  In order of preference I think it would have to go:

    1.  Stay away from s*x for at least a couple more years until you are more ready for it.  It can be really exciting, but also really damaging and because you have to keep it a secret, you have no one to support you.

    2.  Do sexual stuff, like BJs or touching eachother, but don't actually let any guy put his p***s in you.  It does cross a line when you start having to think about things like pregnancy and HIV.

    3.  If you REALLY want to have full s*x, use a condom every single time.  It's not just pregnancy you have to worry about, imagine if you got an infection down there, or HIV ?

    4.  If you REALLY want to have full s*x and you refuse to use a condom, then yes, please go on birth control.

    You also have to think about the type of guy that wants to have s*x with a 13 year old.  Either, he's under 16 himself, in which case he probably has no clue what he's doing and it's going to feel awful for you, or he's over 16 in which case he's a bit creepy for wanting to have s*x with a 13 year old !

    Please realise how precious your body is and take care and respect it no matter what.

    I wish you all the best.

  11. I would think and know that 13 is far too young to have s*x.  My other concen is you think that going on the pill is all you have to worry about!  I am not talking about AIDS but somethng as deadly! Pap Virus for short is a killer of young women! Talk to your mum, doctor!  (boys don't get it). Check out HPV online, research it and decide (it almost killed me)..still might. Ge the shot but you are not covered for all of the viruses!

  12. only if you having s*x and do not want to get pregnant...but please if you think its gonna be easy and take birth control and dont wear a should use safe

  13. If you are sexually active or experiencing severe cramps it would be suggested. Are you able to talk this over with a close family member, a guardian? If not, and you are interested on learning more in your area try looking for a family planning clinic in the phone book everything is strictly confidential and NO Im not trying to promote you or anyone else to have s*x and go to a clinic but seriously I was 13 once and everyone should now know if kids are going to go out to the real world then giving that much more help and knowledge would be greatly appreciated I am sure of this and if you are not sexually active then great for you wait for that special person to come along if you just wait it will happen and I guarantee it will be well worth it I really hope this helps!!!!!!  

  14. Are you planning on having s*x?  If so, I definitely would, I just think 13 is way too young to have a baby, you have the best  years of your life ahead of you  :)

  15. Personally I believe that 13 is WAY too young to be sexually active, but if you want to go on birth control then talk to your mom about it.

    Birth control can be great because it helps with acne and cramps and will regulate your period.

  16. No you should not be having s*x, you should be talking to friends on the phone, slumber parties, etc.. Be a kid why do you kids try to grow up to fast. And at 13 having s*x with different boys will do nothing but give you a name.

  17. Are you sexually active?  If so, speak with your mom or someone you are comfortable talking to about it.  You need to see a doctor and let them decide if you are healthy and can take birth control pills.  Some conditions make it unsafe for the pill.  A doctor can help you decide, or even the local health department and it is free.  But include your mom or aunt or older sister; someone who will help you.

    Personally, I strongly disagree with being sexually active at 13.  Your body is not finished growing.  Neither is your mind.  You're young.  Enjoy your youth without the pressure of s*x and birth control and possible pregnancy.  There is plenty of time for that later.  BUT if you do decide to have s*x, then yes, use birth control.  Always. Every time.  

  18. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    your 13 y would you be having s*x!!!?!!?!!!?!!!?!!!?!

    wait 3 more years then get on it  

  19. umm h**l no!

  20. Ok depends on why you are taking the pill, it should be something that you discuss with your mum (you can't buy it), The pill could be used for 2 other reasons besides birth control, it is also used for controling the flow of your periods and also cramping.

    My partner works in a hospital and the amount of minors that he has to take to birthing is unbelievable, There is also the other problems is the father going to still be around (if you fall pregnant) At 13 I doubt it.

    Besides that being on the pill doesn't stop you from falling pregnant, if you take medications that highers the chances of falling pregnant, then there is also  STD's your not going to go and get blood tests done on you both before having s*x are you? Personally If you are going to have s*x at 13  you should be talking to your mother about it she won't beable to stop you but she might put you on the pill, you should also be using condoms aswell..

    And also if your partner is older than 16 that could be classed as rape!

  21. there really is no need for it at that age.

    especially because [no offense] teens at that age are irresponsible

    and wouldn't take them as directed and have everything screwed up.

    And unless you are having s*x, which you shouldn't be,

    you don't need it, unless its for acne or bad cramps or something

    of that sort.

    hope i helped!

  22. if you are not sexually active then no but if you are you should but don't have s*x. God Bless

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