
Birth control is making me depressed? :( And I'm getting married in two weeks!?

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I was on Ortho Tri-Cyclen and it made me face break out really bad, and now I'm on Apri. Both of them made me way depressed. I just can't be happy. And I'm getting married on August 8th. It's killing my fiance! Right now I'm on my period so I'm not taking any doses and I feel so much better. It's a night and day difference. I've heard after a while it goes away, maybe a few months. But I'd rather just get on something that won't make me sad at all... anyone know of any? I hear the Nuva-ring is good. I'm looking into that. Does anyone know if that has symptoms of depression? Thanks for answering.




  1. This is something you REALLY need to talk with your doctor about.  I think all hormonal forms of birth control are going to have some side effects, and mood swings or depression is one of them.  Some women simply can't take b/c pills because they hate the side effects--my sis in law is one of them.  The nuva ring might be better--I've had friends on it that love it.  Like I said, ask your doctor.  Good luck!

  2. I have been on Nuva Ring for about 2 years.....I think it is wonderful.  I was on Ortho Tri Cyclen before that and I was MISERABLE on it....but you should see your doctor...ask them more about the nuva ring.  I think they have a web site too.  Good luck!

  3. i would suggest a natural method of birth control called NFP, Natural Family Planning.  It's free and has no side effects, hehe. Look it up on the web.   Take a class, educate yourself, and let the games begin!!   ;)   And it does work, because i know a lot of ppl that are using it.  That's what im going to do myself!

  4. Almost all birth control containing hormones have the same side effects, including IUD devices and rings that release hormones as well.

    The best bet would be to instead use OTHER type of birth control if you want to avoid pregnancy, such as condoms and spermicidal lube.

    Someone also mentioned Natural Family Planning.  Thats an awesome idea... most of the people that I know who have used it (after taking a class and being extra careful the first couple months while they learned their cycle and temperatures and such) have had TONS of success with it.

  5. There is this stuff now called "yaz" and it helps with symptoms of PMS, PMDD and is birthcontrol. So i know your symptoms are because of the birth control, but since this helps with those things, it sure wouldnt cause them :)

  6. Make sure you speak with a Dr. ASAP. I had the same problem. I was on Lo-estrin 24 and Ortho Tri-Cyclen and I knew from the moment I took it something was wrong. I was moody, mean, depressed, tired, everything you name it!! I was just a mess, I literally would throw temper-tantrums for no reason and I'm an adult!! I continued to take the first pill for 6mos. also I was getting 2 periods a month, then I took the second pill for another 5mos. I stopped taking the pill last November and still do not feel the same, like something is off with my body. Everyone kept telling me to give my body a chance to get used to the pill, I'm sorry but there was just no getting used to those kind of mood swings and depression. Get off your pill now, if you are worried about getting pregnant on your honeymoon use an alternative method like condoms. Right before your wedding is not the time to be messing around with your hormones and trying out what pill works best for you. After the big day you can try some other pills. Good luck and feel better!!

  7. Talk to your doctor.  You need to try a low dose one level birth control.  There are no hortmonal jumps.  Try Migestrin or another single level bc.  

    Nuva-ring is still new and not fully tested.  Just liek the patch it hit the market a bit too soon.  and the patch was later taken off for health reasons.

    Try another type, low, single level hormones and ride it out!

  8. you should talk to your dr about this problem. there is a birth control for you but you need to be examined for it. the patch is awesome but it can itch a lil til you get used to it. i have the nuva ring but havent used it yet. my dr said its really good though.

  9. Hormonal birth control affects everyone differently and that's why it's best to talk to your doctor to find what works the best for you personally. There are low-dose pills (Yaz, Yasmin, Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo) that might have fewer side effects than the regular dose pills. Also, if you just started birth control, it takes your body a little while to adjust, so your doctor might tell you just to wait it out and see how things are in a month. It's just too bad that your wedding is so close!

    I am on Nuvaring right now and I like it. It has a smaller dose of hormones than pills do, and it isn't ingested like BC pills, which travel through your body and enter your bloodstream and potentially affect your body more drastically. I didn't notice any mood swings or negative side effects, but I know things are different for every woman (and some experience bad side effects with any hormonal BC).

    However, I know that for at least the first week after you start Nuvaring, you have to use a second form of protection, and it's often recommended to do so for the first month you're on it. I don't know how that would jive with your wedding night/ honeymoon...? But definitely talk with your doctor about it.

    Good luck!

    P.S. Some people have had lots of success with NFP or fertility awarness, but the general effectiveness is not as good as hormonal birth control. (around 25% vs. 8% failure rate for typical use: ) Research it.

    More info on BC:

  10. I didnt know birth control pills can make one depressed... but you should talk that to your doctor there are many pills in the market and ive read many women try even more than a dozen before finding the one its good for them.

    I am on yasmin (this is supposed to be a soft BCP) and other than giving me migranes its been good for me (i went to the doctor and treated the migranes)... however ive read of many women who had gotten pregnant on yasmin... by this i mean the case is different with every woman... you should talk to your doctor and check what are the better options for you... best wishes!

  11. I was so depressed for the first month I started birth control (Yasmin). How long have you been on this current BC? It might be that hormone manipulation maybe to much for your body or you might need to add a different medication to balance everything out. After being on my bc for about 4 months I had to start anxiety medicine that also treated depression and since then I've been in such a good mood. And I use to get so angry and cry all the time for no reason other then I couldn't think of a single good thing. You should contact your doctor. ASAP because you don't want to be depressed on the Honeymoon.

    Good luck and Congratulations

  12. Possible Side Effects and Symptoms

    The common side effects reported by NuvaRing® users are:

    Vaginal infections and irritation

    Vaginal secretion


    Weight gain


    In addition to the risks and side effects listed above, users of combination hormonal birth control methods have reported the following side effects:


    Change in appetite

    Abdominal cramps and bloating

    Breast tenderness or enlargement

    Irregular vaginal bleeding or spotting

    Changes in menstrual cycle

    Temporary infertility after treatment

    Fluid retention (edema)

    Spotty darkening of the skin, particularly on the face


    Weight changes


    Intolerance to contact lenses



    Loss of scalp hair

    Have you tried Yaz?

  13. DO ask your doctor.  I was on Tri-Cyclen (funny, it actually took away my acne, didn't give me any) and wasn't having any mood swings at all (this stuff doesn't seem to affect me), but he put me on Alesse because its a lower dose of hormones I think.  

    You should consider not taking it around your wedding, you don't want to be hormonal on the big day.  Find other methods of birth control temporarily if need be.  But definitely talk to your doctor or women's clinic ASAP.

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