
Birth control options?

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me and my current gf have recently started having s*x, using condoms as the only form of birth control. my last gf was in the pill so this wasn't really a big issue. well i don't really trust condoms a whole lot cuz i have had them break. we're both seniors in college right now and the last thing either of us want is to be parents. how should i bring this up with her? i won't ask her to go on the pill cuz maybe she doesnt want to. should i just trust condoms alone? what are other options?




  1. condoms, condoms with spermicide

    you getting fixed

    her getting fixed

    the pill

    the sponge,




  2. Just be honest with her. Girls like that sort of thing. There are many types of birth control. The Depo shot, the pill, patch, IUD, and diaphragm. There is also natural family planning if she wants to avoid hormonal birth control. She can keep track of her cycles and abstain when she knows she's fertile. Good for you for being proactive!

  3. The only other real option is for her to be on birth control.  All you have to do is ask her about it--If you are mature enough and in love enough to be having s*x, you should be able to talk about how to prevent pregnancy and what would happen if she became pregnant.  All you have to do is tell her that you have concerns about only using condoms.  She may be on the pill and hasn't told you, and this would be a good opportunity.  You could just ask her if she has ever thought about taking a form of birth control and go from there.  I think you might be surprised--Sometimes girls want and need to have this conversation as well, but it's a usually a difficult subject to bring up.  Bring it up when you are not having s*x, so that way there is no pressure or tension.  You need to be the bigger person and bring this topic up.

  4. Tell her you're not ready for a kid. You don't trust condoms because they break. Ask her if there's anything she's been on before or would like to try. I hear the nuva ring works great. And so does the mirana.
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