
Birth control pills - period has been delayed!?

by Guest56454  |  earlier

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I started birth control pills exactly 20 days ago (2 days before my period was about to start). So pretty much I skipped my period then and today is my first inactive pill day. No period yet... is this normal?




  1. Yep, that's normal.  I always get my period 72 hours (3 days) after my last active tablet, so on the day that I take the third inactive pill.

    It takes a bit for your body to realise that it hasn't gotten its dose of hormones.  

  2. its usually normal with the estrogen based pills, just don't be agititated, relax and be calm. do check the doctor if you any strange feelings

    Be guided

  3. mine takes at least 3 days of inactive pills to start and then lasts 4 days. Your fine.  

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