
Birth control????????

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iv been prescribed yasmin from my dr.. i had a baby almost 3 months ago.. is any body else on this kind.. if so whats it like?... just want some opinions before i try it...




  1. Nuva Ring is the best, I have talked with 3 drs/obgyns  about it and they all recommend it above all the pills bc it is less hormone, it doesn't have to go all the way through your system (bc its local) and i have had NO side effects.  Its a RING, you insert it into your v****a after your period and you leave it for 3 weeks and then you take it out for a week and replace.  There is no maintenance, you put it in and forget about it.  You can have s*x with it in and it does not affect it whatsoever!  Its not something that you have to remember every day!  

    Talk to your doc about it, I recommend it above all pills, i have taken 4 diff types of pills including ortho and had not so great experiences with all of them-- Migraines, weight gain (not directly associated with the pill but still), worse cramping, clots, etc. But none of the above with the Ring!  

  2. I was on it before (i stopped using birth control) and i really liked it. Its better than a lot of the other kind of birth control pills. Other pills would get me really moody and stuff but Yasmin is ok.

  3. Check my source below

  4. Yes I'm on Yasmin. It hasn't affected me negatively. I've been on it for almost a year now and my boyfriend I have have been having s*x for months. I never got pregnant or missed my period. It's reliable. My endocrinologist initially prescribed it for me beacuse my prolactin levels were low and I had an ovarian cyst. Now I'm back to normal, according to her.
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