
Birth control shot? plz answer?

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ok im on the birth control shot ive had to of the shots each 3 months apart. ok first question.. how long after you get the first shot does it start to work? and my second question is can you still get pregnant on it. lets say you have unprotected s*x almost everyday and he dont pull out can you get pregnant?




  1. I'm not sure how soon depo is effective.  You should have gotten a leaflet from the doctor or clinic that will tell you.

    Depo isn't 100% effective, but is very close.  The odds of pregnancy are extremely low.  It's wise to use condoms if there is any risk of STDs. Otherwise (if you are both monogomous and disease free) you can safely dispense with them.

  2. um i am on the depo and they tell me that it works that day for the 3months.. i have been on it for almost 3 years now and have had unprotected s*x everyday and have not got pregnant yet. and i am on of the lucky ones. i have not had a period ether. some people do and some people don't u hope this helps..

  3. Not to freak you out, but I got pregnant with my 9 yr old little boy when I was on the shot. I had been on the shot for 2 years and never missed one when I became pregnant with him!

    If you absolutely do NOT want a baby, don't rely only on the shot, use condoms too.

  4. I am not sure about how long it takes to work but Im going to Assume at least a few weeks to a month and Yes you can still get pregnant...nothing is 100%  you will not unless you are not having s*x!

  5. it takes 14 days to get into your system, i am on the shot and asked my doctor when  i got it to make sure. sometimes they say to wait 20 days just to make sure. but it SHOULD be in your system after 2 weeks (14days)

    and from what ive heard from my doctor and her nurse its one of the most effective forms of birthcontrol out there.

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