
Birth of baby?

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I dont want anyone at the birth of my baby this time as all family members were so annoying at the birth of my first child.

How do I go about this? Just lie and dont give them info. I already told my mom I dont want her there and she was livid.




  1. Just be honest with them, and say how you feel.  Tell them that you want to keep it a personal experience.  Your mum has no right to be angry with you.  This is your choice and you shouldn't be made to feel guilty about it.

  2. When I had my kids I didn't want anyone there except my husband.  my mom understood and was really nice about it but my MIL was really annoyed.  My sister showed up at the hospital even though I had asked her not to come and I told her to go home.  

    People always want to be involved in a birth because it's such an exciting thing, but it's also stressful and if you don't want anyone there it's your decision.  They'll get over it.

  3. Just tell them after the 1st time u would rather be alone as u found it more stressful whilst they were there which can cause probs to baby...if they dont like it its tuff.

  4. Just tell then the truth I don't see why you would lie to them and possibly make the situation worst when they find out you had the baby and you did not call anyone

  5. I did not want anyone at my 3rd and last either.  My mother and father in law welcomed themselves in while I was in tough labor, sitting there laughing with eachother and eating food that was making me nauseated.  I could not take it and I blew up at them and told them to leave.  It was so much better after they left and neither said anything to me about it afterwards.

  6. just tell them straight out, at the end of a conversation so you can get out of there quick, you don't need the stress and its up to them to realise it. :) also get your hubby or any sympathetic friends and family to back you up.

  7. Just say you want it to be just you this time..But when you get moved into a regular room or like a few hours after you give birth they can come in and visit with you.

  8. I know how you feel this sounds just like my family. With my first I went into labor at midnight so when I gave birth at 7am we just called and told them. (I knew I didn't want anyone but my husband there the whole time b/c I knew it would turn into a circus) With my 2nd and 3rd i was induced and we just  shut our phones off until I gave birth then we called the fam. Just tell them you don't want anyone there. So much is going on already you dont need your whole fam going in and out , plus it will give you and your husband time together.

    As for afterwards just kick them out when you get sick of them or tell them you dont want visit to be an all day thing. I know its hard to hear for some family members(like your mom)but you have to draw the line somewhere.

  9. Ask the hospital staff to let all visitors know that you and/or the baby are resting and would prefer no company. When they show up at your home, have your husband explain the same. Or when calling friends/family to announce the birth of the baby, simply state that when you take your little one home,  you would prefer that anyone wishing to visit call first to see if you are feeling up to the company. Remember, this is YOUR baby! You have every right to request a little piece & quiet! Those who love & respect you will be happy to give you the time you need! Good luck & best wishes:)!

  10. All you have to do is tell the hospital staff that no one is to be allowed in the delivery room while you are in labor.  They will keep them out, they are there for you at this time.  Then you really don't even have to worry about it, as you shouldn't have to in the first place.
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