
Birth questions! women who have had kids please answer! and fathers too!?

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1) does it hurt when the doctor makes the cut of the v****a?

2) how affective is the epidural?

3) can you walk after you give birth? like does it feel weird when you walk?

4)does s*x feel as good after birthing a child?

5) is your v****a the same size, does it look the same after birth?

6) does it hurt when the afterbirth comes?

7) is there a lot of blood?

8)i hear that some women p**p on the pregnancy table. is that true?

if you could please answer as many questions as possible. im having a kid in about a month or so and im really scared! i know that it hurts! EEEK! but the other thing that im really scared about is that my husband wont be attracted or as attracted to me. because he's going to be there in the delivery room with me and he'll most likely see everything. im afraid it will gross him out and stuff. and make it so he wont have sexual feelings towards me since im covered with stretch marks and stuff like that. :( :/




  1. 1. i could feel her cut me but it didn't hurt, i swear i felt the snip

    2. mine worked too well, i couldn't even feel the contractions to push which sucked because it took 2 hours cuz they had to tell me when i was having a contraction

    3. i couldn't for a day and a half and when i did i felt very weak and winded for almost a week afterwards, it was uncomfortable climbing any sort of steps

    4. s*x was terrible after child birth, it was so painful. we didn't have s*x for 8 months afterwards, but i tore pretty badly when i had my son. also when you breast feed sometimes your body doesnt produce enough estrogen, so its very dry down there, i had to get a cream

    5. i dont know

    6. they push on your stomach so with no epidural i heard it hurts but i couldnt feel anything

    7. not really

    8. yes

    my husband still finds me attractive...... i think. really for me the worst part of going into labor was getting my cervix checked and the iv especially when they flush it out

  2. 1- I wasn't cut i actually tore, and no i didn't feel it but was very painful when they were stitching me up and ending up having to give me 5 anesthetics because i could feel what they were doing.

    2 - Epidural it works, relaxes you, but after they gave me they found out i was 10cm so when i had to push it wore off, as i wasn't hooked up onto the machine.

    3 - Walking let me say i could walk but for the first 10 days i was in alot of pain and it hurt to walk and i didn't walk how i normally do.

    4 - Haven't had s*x my bub is still very newborn!

    5 - They say your v****a goes back to the normal size, i don't know, mine still looks different as i still have stitches in.

    6 - Afterbirth doesn't hurt i had one push and it was out, and i felt relieved!

    7 - To me it seemed like heaps but they said it was normal.

    8 - Yeah its true your using the same muscles to push that baby out as you do to take a poo.

    As for the partner side i had my partner with me through the whole delivery and he now looks at me different, and knows what a strong person i am, and thinks i am very brave. Your husband will still love you, you are having his baby in the end! Good luck with the delivery!

  3. 1. It didn't hurt when I had my episiotomy, b/c I had an epidural. In fact, I hadn't even realized my doc had done it til I noticed her stitching me up.

    2. My epidural was VERY effective. Once I had it, I had no pain at all except a very tiny bit of painful pressure as my daughter was crowning. But nothing unbearable by any means. Menstrual cramps are worse than what I felt lol.

    3. You can walk after birth once your epidural wears off (if you choose to have one.) Depending on whether you have an episiotomy or not, it depends how uncomfortable it will be. Sitting was worse than walking for me.

    4. It took me a couple months to be healed enough for s*x. The first couple times, it hurt a little, but after that it was great. For me, better than before I had a baby.

    5. v****a will be the same size, or very close to it. Although it's not going to happen right away. It could take a few weeks to a few months for it to return to normal size. Even if it is a little bigger, it probably won't be noticeable, but if it is, you can do kegel exercises to tone it. And mine doesn't look quite the same after giving birth!

    6. I didn't even notice the afterbirth really. My doc just told me to give a gentle push, I didn't feel a thing, and it was over.

    7. Yes there's quite a bit of blood and after you give birth, it'll seem like you have a very heavy period for a while.

    8. Yes it's true that someone woman p**p while in labor. That's because you're basically using the same muscles you use to have a bowel movement as you are to push your baby out. But it's very common and nothing to be embarrassed about. I did.

  4. I understand your fears.  I've been there.  I can say that since the birth of my husband is more attracted to me than ever.  There is something about the miracle of life that just brings you closer.  When you look into your babies eyes for the first time and realize that you and your signifant other are the ones responsible for makeing this little angelic miracle...well there is nothing more beautiful and attractive than that.  Try to relax.  You'll do fine delivering your baby!  Yes it will be painful...but the pain will be a distant memory when the doctor hand s you your baby.  

    Good luck

  5. I had a c-section 3 weeks ago. You will not feel any pain with an epidural. It does make you feel wierd however. I felt like I was floating in water while they were moving me to the OR. My legs felt like they were bent also, but they weren't. I started walking the next day. It hurt to walk but I was given a machine where I could give myself individual doses of the epidural. Sorry I can't answer the other questions.

  6. 1. Who told you they cut your v****a/

    2. Very.

    3. Yes, you can walk, and I am sure the doctors won't want you to.

    4. s*x feels good at any time.

    5. Two words: Kegel Excersizes.

    6. I wouldn't think so....

    7. Depends on the pregnancy and any complications.

    8. Yes, you will p**p. You have no bowel control, so you will p**p everywhere.

    And if your husband doesn't find you attractive after all that kick his *** to the curb, because he isn't fit to be a father anyways.

  7. 1. I don't know as I had a C-section

    2. Very effective, all I felt was my water breaking

    3.Yes, no but it hurt a little bit


    5.I assume so, since he hasn't said anything

    6.I didn't feel it


    8.yes, some do, but don't worry they have seen everything

  8. 1) not normaly they will use local anistesia before cuting if possible

    2) Don't know only use IV pain relief,  They just take the edge off but you still feel pain.

    3) I was able to, a little shakey and had to be careful getting in and out of bed due to the stiches

    4) This all depends on your body every woman is different.

    5) Well it will take a while but my husband says it is pritty much the same, but then again it all just depends on your body.

    6) You are to bussy asking about your baby and sometimes even holding your baby for the first time you really don't pay much attention and the dr will do most of the work if they can

    7) Well I could not tell but I know it depends on how bad you tear (if you do).

    8) you can p**p or pee, it is normal all that pressure and a baby moving threw such a small opening you can't help it some times.  The Dr's are use to it.

    It will take time for you tobecome comfertable withyour body.  I am sure that if your husband really loves you then he won't care at all what he saw or what you look like.  I know after I have my babys my hubby is more attracted to me just because I had his child.  

    I hope this helps,  Don't worrie too much you will forget all the pain in time and sometimes itis not as bad as you think.  I know thatwas the case with my first.

  9. 1. if you need an episiotomy (cut in the v****a) then they will numb you first so you wont feel it.

    2. epidurals are usually pretty good - but sometimes they don't work - everyone is different.

    3.  if you have an epidural you usually can't walk very well after giving birth as your legs are numb - if you don't have epi then no problem.

    4. it can take a while to recover (especially if you have an episiotomy)  but in general s*x is good (obviously must be coz people have more than one kid).

    5. i think mine is a little more stretched - but hubby says he can't notice any difference.

    6. not really - afterbirth is quite soft compared to a baby so it just slithers out and usually you are so busy looking at your new baby you don't really notice.

    7 my first there was, but second not really.

    8 sometimes, but usually your body gets rid of everything before labor (diarrhea is often a sign that labor is starting soon and your body is cleaning out).  If anything comes out it's only a tiny bit and they will wipe it away immediately - it's nothing to be embarrassed about - it's their job.

    your husband will see what you are going thru in the labor room and will have so much respect & love for you and your little one.  (God knows they certainly couldn't handle giving birth!)

    You will be fine - just listen to your body and go with the flow.

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