
Birthday Party for a 13 year old

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I am turning 13 years old and I think that this is an important year and that I should have an important party. I am only allowed to invite 5 people. I am in an in between stage because my new house is not finished and I am living at my grandparents house. They have a large pool, but I think it would kinda weird to have a pool party with only 5 people, plus my birthday is in September, and it might be kinda cold where I live.They do have a big house though, and no one else lives there. What should I do???




  1. don't know. just go hang out at the hot spot for kids your age in your area, and have a sleep over

  2. Explain this to them. Talk to them about how important it is and how you will be moving soon and wouldn't be able to see them. Talk to them about rules, regulation - time frames, amount of people attending. The more mature you are about the subject and the details the more llikely they are to budge on the issues

  3. Rent rooms in a hotel and sleepover there. You can play hide and seek on the stairs and elevators (i did this on a cruise it was SO much fun!!!!).

  4. Even with just 5 you can have loads of fun, find some games, movies, have slumber party! Eat pop corn and tell stories, if it is a little colder and your grandparents allow, have a camp fire have some smores, make each others' hair and nails..... it is not (never) about the number of people, is about having good friends who value you and your friendship! Ask your 5 friends what they think would be fun!

    Hope this helped, Happy b-day!

  5. take them to see dark knight!!!!!

  6. well it could always be cool to have a movie party. make a fun script and act it out! later make popcorn and watch it. by the way, happy birthday. (i'm 14.) or you could have a school party... just kidding, just kidding!!!!!

    hope i helped!!

    i <3 band camp!

  7. Have a hawaain themed party with lais and grass skirts.  You can make them yourselves (try if your parents dont want to provide them.  This will be a fun to do around the pool even if you only have 5 people.  Make virgin margeritas!  And also if you have a video camera, go around and ask your friends where they see themselves in 10 years.  I did this on my sweet 16 and my friends and I look back now and are amazed at the things we said!    It also might be fun to make a dance video all dressed up in hulas.  Get goofy!   Then watch it and laugh. It shouldnt be too cold in september, last year it was hot on halloween! if it is just do the same thing just indoors.   I hope you have a great party and happy birthday!

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