
Birthday disaster =[

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ok its my bday 2dai yay lol

and my parents got me an ipod touch....

i didnt want 1 coz i already hav 3 ipods and the one im using is a 30gig ipod and its pretty gd..

i feel really let down that my parents got me a really **** pressent.

i really wanted a new phone but they just get me c**p pressents.

so my question is...

how do i tell then to return the pressent and get me something usefull ?

coz rite now im really sad about it..

and plz dont answer by saying im a spoiled lil brat coz im not

thankz =]




  1. Wow. If you fell "let down" for getting a $300 dollar present than shame on you.

  2. You're a spoiled little brat.

    Take it back yourself, take your dad's Porsche to the mall your mom bought it at and then buy a value pack of razors.

    You can figure out the rest.

  3. Frist of all Happy B-Day!

    I was wondering did your parent ever had asked you what you wanted for your B-Day? I know my mom would ask me that! If they did then maybe you should of had told them right at then or should of told them about wanting a cell for your B-Day before they had bought a new ipod's.

    Did they know that you already had ipods? If they did they should of known of why buy another one? Unless you had asked them..

    If you want to talk to them and asking if you can exchange the gift then go for it but watch out what they may say but again maybe they will understand after you tell them that you already have ipods and really want a cell, If your parent feels as they cant afford the cell then you would have to be willing to understand that, Or maybe you can help then by paying your own phone bill  or something.

    I know Cell cost more then the ipods trust me! Unless you can ask your parent if they could help u out to buy um buy me a min phone that you can find in Walmart or Target which I mean was they have a cell phone in package and you buy your own min, I was just saying just in case if they cant afford it but again I can see they propbaly can after spend so much on you!

    For you being spoiled, IDK! Cause I dont know the whole situations, If I got a gift from someone that I didnt like I honestly wouldn't say anything cause I wouldnt want to hurt there feeling at all and would consider it as a thought..

    But it up to you, So Good Luck!  

  4. Happy Birthday..=D

    Sorry everyones answers suck haha. Im poor but all my friends are rich so Im used to people getting gifts like that.

    Just tell them that you want to return it and get the money. Tell them you like the gift but its just not really practical right now. Because you don't need it. But a new phone would be something you would use a lot more. Something along those lines.

    Good luck

  5. tell them you have a decent ipod and you'd rather have a new phone it shouldnt be too hard if they got you that.

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ! ! ! !

    thats all i had 2 say

  7. Suck it up princess, and be greatfull your parents even got you anything ! or could even afford something like that.

  8. GO WITH THE MONEY SAVING ANGLE....explain to them how you already have a music paying device and that there is no use wasting money on something that you will probably never use. So they should return it and get you something else...a phone would be less expensive. Also, show them that a phone has multi purposes (music, pictures, save you in dangerous situations) and that the i pod has bad effects to it (hearing loss, distraction, theft) . If all else fails, look at them with the puppy dog eyes and show them that you are disappointed or just dont use it and hope they will get the hint. Good Luck!....Happy Birthday by the parents got me a camera. :)  


    oh idk tell them before the waranty ends or before the recipt expires;...

  10. three ipods..yes you are spoiled and you shouldnt be all sad because they got you a gift you didnt like..and  if you want a cell phone then safe your mo not trying to be rude but gosh thats annoying..its like..

    Well todays my bday ang guess what my stupid parents got me.! another ipod mann ..*all the other children of the  world would be happy* keep it because they will be upset that.

    you didnt like it ..or just say dad mom i really appreciate the gift but i really wanted a cell phone..OR I SUGGEST... selling the other ipods that you dont use and then tell your parents you will buy it. happy bday!

  11. Oh happy b-day!! Probably, you should say,"Mom, dad, I like the present You guys got me, but I already have many of these. What I'd really like is for you to get me a brand new and freakin' awesome phone. Is it possible to return it with your money back so you can get a new freakin' awesome phone? Pleaaazzz!!!" It works with my parents everytime, try it... :D

  12. oh happy birthday! :D

    dont say anything,

    sometimes we acpet things we dont want to accept.

    not all presents are the ones we wanted.

    dont be sad!

    so your presets **** but at least you have parents that can buy you stuff!


  13. sounds like you're a spoiled little brat. how old are you? and you already have "too many ipods"? seriously?

    to be honest, you don't deserve any birthday present ever, you should be giving your parents gifts today instead. but you'd probably have to beg daddy for money so you could get him a neck tie and mom a scented candle.
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