
Birthday gift help! What sh0uld i buy him? (17 year 0ld)?

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i kn0w i g0t a while, but 0ct0ber 7th my b0yfriend 0f alm0st 2 years is turning 17! i have n0 idea what t0 get him. i d0n't want t0 spend t00 much, but i want it t0 mean s0mething, and n0t be fr0m n0 d0llar st0re, even th0ugh the th0ught is what c0unts! s0 please, can y0u help with ideas? what did y0u buy y0ur l0ved 0ne 0r what W0ULD y0u buy y0ur l0ved 0ne?




  1. bake him a cake and maybe get him like one of those neck chains and the way u do ur 000000s is a lil annoying

    - @shley

  2. How about a nice cologne, and,or make him a nice dinner. you know men enjoy home cooked meals, just keep it simple.  

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