
Birthday help!!!!?

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My best friends 16th birthday is coming up and I want to get her something she will never forget. My budget is around $75. And no clothes or gift cards to clothing stores.




  1. anything that says "16" they have websites, where you can buy gifts for a 16 yr old. for ex. theres a bracelet that says "16" and its BEAUTIFUL! I wanted it but cldnt get it. I kno i wanted everything that sed "16" because well i was the big 16!!! good luck.

  2. Here are some wicked ideas:

    One time I made a scrapbook for my best friend with pictures of me and him in it and quotes, little notes from me, and then a full page of writing as the last page. I got all the supplies from the dollar store, but it came out looking amazing, and he loved it!

    Another time I got someone one of those helium baloons, and i picked out like 20 cards that I really loved. I filled each one in with heart warming thoughts (and some funny ones too) slid a picture into each envelope, wrapped all the cards together and tied the helium baloon to it. the cards acted like a weight to the baloon, so it looked really nice with some ribbon and such!

    go to the dollar store and ger her/him 75$ worth of awesome silly gifts!

    another idea is to go to a cheap store like walmart, and get her 16 gifts (one for every year) and make sure each one has a special meaning. write a note that goes with each one of them and give them to her one a day for 16 days leading up to her birthday (the last one should be the most expensive/meaningful, and should be accomanied with a card!)

    buy a huge (pretty with a design or something) garbage can that she can use in her room, and fill it up with tons of gifts! sounds expensive but like i said above, the dollar store has some pretty sweet and hilarious gifts to give!

    i could go on all day! if none of these ideas strike your fancy, let me know and i'll try to come up with some more!

  3. May be you would like to give more infor like what she likes and what she likes to do.

    If you knew of any thing she been wanted to get etc etc....
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