
Birthday party confusion!!! please help!?

by  |  earlier

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ok i am having my 15 th birthday and my and a friend who have a birthday one day apaart are haing a meshed birthday party at a laser tagging place.

we havent had parties since we were like 7 so i nneed some help

ok we were thinking of paying for them but then we would have to cut a lot of people to get invited!

and then we were thinking if they paid for themselves they just wouldnt get us presents

would htey think that was weird?

and they have to get their own ride their because we dont have enough drivers for everyone!

should we do option one or two?

because i dont want them to like do everything! when its our party but i guess it could be ok since we are older??





  1. Why don't you look at other options?  Do you HAVE to do laser tag?  That can be done maybe the following weekend and you can tell everyone to meet you there.  If you have a laser tag party, you are expected to pay for it or the host is expected to pay for it.  Won't your parents put up some money?  If not why don't you just have a kick back or a function at someone's house?  Or a really nice dinner party?  or just go have a kick back at the beach or something??  If you have some to cook you can have snacks and food at your kick back.  That's inexpensive, everyone can still hang out and you wont' have to worry about anyone not getting you a present.

  2. you sound exactly like me and my friend. we're born on the same day and have been having our partys together since we were one. if you can't cut anyone from your list i would do like you said and tell them they didnt have to bring presents or that they were optional and give them the price and what not. if you can cut people then you pay less and get presents =).

    you could ask aunts and/or uncles if they could help with transportation or if any parents were willing to help out, depending on how many guests you invited. if you couldnt get any extra help then just give directions in the invitations and tell them that if they had and questions, or if there were any inconveniences to let you guys know.

    i hope this helps, sorry if it doesnt.

    have a good time & happy birthday

  3. I think your idea of telling them not to bring gifts but they will pay for their ticket would be a good idea.  You could put on the invitations something like:

    "Spending time with friends is the best present we could ever recieve so we ask that you leave the pretty boxes and gift bags home and join us at XYZ Lazer Tag.  Admittance will be $xx.xx and includes _____ (put in food, how many hours of game play etc.) we look forward to seeing all of you, but be careful, we are a killer lazer tag team!"

  4. option one , cause normally parties with a lot of people divide up,and i think it'd be alot more fun with less people.

  5. I would go for something in between...try subsidizing the admissions cost so that each person only has to bring five dollars, and explicitly ask that each person bring $5 to the part for the purposes of admissions. Most people's parents will be willing to shell out five bucks.

    However, keep in mind that asking your friends to pay any amount of money may reduce thier perception of the need to reciprocate with a present for the invitation.

  6. Skip laser tag.......Go for pizza or go have a nice dinner.......but order for everyone beforehand so no one orders the $45 steak.

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