
Birthday party food?

by  |  earlier

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well aside from snacks and cake and ice cream...for the main meal of this enough food for one 14 year old to eat. One small(and i mean like of a medium pizza) slice of pizza, a decent sized amount of french fries...and a chicken wrap. Or will they possibly need another slice of pizza too. Keep in mind about 3/4 of my friends are so obsessed with what they eat and would normally eat one or 2 slices of pizza. so would this be more than enough food for them?




  1. None of those foods go together.  I would either just do pizza or just do chicken wraps.   At a need to have enough of everything for everyone.  You can't tell people that they can only have one slice of pizza.

  2. the 1st answers right u cant tell people how much they can eat

    but buy as much as you can afford and if theres not enough oh well the people shouldn't be pigs like 1 LARGE slice of pizza

    is enough im a skinny girl i mean like at parties me and friends my age eat like 2-3 small slices and if theres boys they eat more well most of my boy friends

    ps chose between the wraps or pizza i say pizza 3 slices for each  so that way its sure everyone has enough

  3. pizza snacks to eat before meals some candy chips that sirt of stuff
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