
Birthday party game idea.?

by  |  earlier

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im 15. and we are already having a chocolate fountain, pinata and watching moovies. but i need some more :) i want it to be a really fun day for all of us girld : )

but my mum wont let us have drinks. no no drinking games.

just any ideas would be grateful. x





  1. Get your mum to make "virgin" drinks that y'all can share.  Sit around and learn poker/black jack.  Make cookies and let everyone decorate thier own...or cupcakes.  Make pink colored spaghetti, put it on a paper plate in a circle on the floor, have everyone in a circle on the outside of the ring on thier knees with hands behind backs.  He/she who eats the whole plate first wins.  or thows up.  just buy good pasta.

    (just stuff I did for my daughter at that age.)

  2. Do you have a playstation - if so, dance mats?

    Or a Nintendo Wii - tournaments and the like?

    You might not necessarily need games, just a couple decent CDs and you can all have a chat and a dance!

  3. Baby, if you love me, smile.

    sit in circle with one person in the middle. They have to sit on other peoples laps and say “Baby, if you love me, won't you please  smile.” – with out smiling or laughing. If that is successful then the person being sat on must answer “Baby I love ya but I just can't smile" with a straight face. The aim is to make the other either smile, laugh or mess up what they are saying. If they don’t smile then you must pick someone else to sit on. If they do then they become the person in the middle.

    It is so much fun when with close friends, male or female

  4. volley ball?

  5. truth or dare...

    please help my friend:

    ^ parents: would you let your 14 year old daughter date a 17 year old?

  6. this is an indian game called "antakshari" if you love music.

    Lets say you divide the people into teams A,B,C....

    Any one team chosen to start the game sings a song,

    (from the starting, and one complete verse, THIS IS A RULE !! no single lines or 3-4 words :D )

    eg team A sings..."every night in my dreams, i see you.. i feel you, that is how i know you.. go on

    I have crossed the distance and spaces between us, you have come to show you go ON"

    now they stop.

    Team B is supposed to sing a new song starting from a syllable from which the previous song ended (in this case its th sound "N")

    Team B - "Na na na ..blah blah ( some song from "N")"

    and it continues.

    A team can end their song at any valid point like end of verse or end of paragraph, where they think the next team may not be able to come up with a song with that Syllable .

    A team unable to guess has to lose the points and pass the syllable to next team :)

    Modify the game,create you own rules, i have given you the base:) Hope u like music, u will enjoy it alot !!!

    and yes.. "PLAY FAIR ":D

  7. if there were boys i would of said spin the bottle

    how about sherades when you act out something and the people have to guess what you are doing

    or board games

    or interactive dvd games

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