
Birthday party ideas for a 22 yr old girl??

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my girlfriend will be turning 22 pretty soon and I have no idea what to do for her party. She is very much into fashion and loves to go out and party but I want to make her party different from a regular weekend(we go clubin a lot). If you have some ideas that could help me out I would greatly appreciate it! thanks in advance!




  1. I am 24 with friends of all ages, and one of my favorite things to do with my girls is a clothes swap! Have everyone bring all of their clothes, shoes, accessories, books, music, etc. that no longer fit their style or their bodies (or that they are sick of looking at) and have them trade in for something new to them. Not only is this a great excuse to clean out your closet for summer, but you are recycling and scoring some great new stuff. Birthday girl gets first pick, but everyone wins, so everyone will be excited about coming. Throw a little good music, good food, and good wine (if you drink) in there and I guarantee a good time! Good luck.

  2. Like Lunachic, I was going to suggest something to do with fashion.  Why not find out (from her girlfriends or do some snooping of brands and be a detective) where she likes to buy her outfits and accessories and get everyone to surprise her at one her favorite haunts with gift certificates to the mall so she could shop at a lot of stores.  Once her outfit is complete everyone could go out clubin' to show it off.

  3. Make a theme party, check to get ideas for decoration.

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