It's my birthday! I know, it's lame, but what do you usually do to celebrate your birthday? My close friend has moved, I dont have too many right now as many have disapeared...any ideas how to celebrate your own birthday? :) Also, my son is turning 3 at the same time - usually we have everyone over for one big party, but we've moved recently and don't have a big yard anymore, plus it's raining & not sure if everyone will fit in the house, so I'm wondering if it should be 2 seperate birthdays, OR, what do adults do during a kids party? You know - that uncomfortable silence of people just sitting around... Ice breakers? I'm not a games person - I think adult party games are Lame. :) And 3 yr olds are a little young for focusing on games...
The only idea I have is covering the floor with paper and having kids colour all over it, have cake...