
Birthday presents for childrens friends?

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My Question is for parents..When you buy your childs friend a birthday gift how much do you normally spend? Im curious to see what other parents spend not that it matters but most children today already have so much I was just wondering what the normal parent spends on a gift for another child.




  1. $20, unless we find something really cool which is less. And that's a gift, no gift cards!

  2. $10 - $20.  (my son is 7)

  3. I just went to my daughter's friends 6th birthday party and I spent $20.00.  As long as you buy something that doesn't look too cheap, I think you are fine.  I don't think I would spend much more than $20 unless you are really close with the family/child.  You also have to look at it like, what would you expect for your childs presents if you had a party.  It is hard especially when money is tight.  Just buy something fun that will entertain them for a few minutes, cause that all they ever really play with it anyways!

  4. I usually spend around $25. I may find a toy for them or an outfit but I also try and throw in something educational like a book or something.Kids do have alot of toys nowadays but they sure never bore of new ones! I think that if you buy a toy and something educational to go along with it, you please both the child and the parent.

  5. i normally spend no more then 20 bucks. That way I can get a decent present without destroying my budget :)

  6. it depends on the son is 5 will be 6 in april and I spend $10 per gift, an older child (especially girls) would be more expensive say..$25

  7. For my stepdaughter's friends (age 10) I usually spend no more than $20 and she makes something crafty or draws a picture to put on the top or the present. I also usually talk to the parents before hand to make sure that I know what their daughter is into and if there are any specific things she is not allowed to have. Like my daughter has a history of ruining rugs or furniture whenever she paints so I have informed all family and friends that they are not to buy her any paint type crafts so I always check. My exception to the spending limit would be if a friend got my daughter something expensive or extremely thoughtful for her last birthday. Usually for her "best best friend" we spend a little more.

  8. I let my son pick out something he thinks his friend would like and I don't worry to much about the cost. But I would guess it would be any were between $10.00 and $50.00. I think is more important for my son took learn to pick something out that he feels the friend will like.

  9. I use to spend upwards of $20-$25 dollars.  Now with more kids and more friends I am spending closer to $15-$20.  I like to cap the gift at $15, then w/ the packaging and card it runs up to $20.

  10. i would say around $20-30. A $25 gift certificate to toys r us or something would be appropriate.

  11. my parents usually spend not more than 20 dollar for other children..

    we usually buy chocolates, cakes, and stuff like that...

    cuz as what you've stated, children today already have so much...

    sometimes, we buy them story books... =)

  12. I usually spend $15-$20.

  13. We usually spend somewhere between $5 and $10 per gift. Its enough to cover a small toy or a couple things of trading cards, or a couple of beginning reader books or one chapter book. As the kids get to be teens I think we'll just leave it with a $10 gift card for something (store, fast food, itunes, ect).  If its a best friend, then I might up the price to $20. Most kids get the big things from family anyways.

  14. It depends on the kid and their parents.  There have been times that I know a mom who will not interact with her kids, and they are pretty much in front of a TV all day long...those kids get tub paints, Play-Doh finger paints, etc...along with a loud electronic toy...batteries included.  If it is a parent and child with a good relationship and very active with their child I would first ask the parent what the child likes or needs (if they are a bit tighter on money).  I will then most likely get them what they wanted, or a gift certificate of equal value.  I try not to spend more than $25-$30 either way.

  15. i make personalized tote bags for their friends (if they're good friends) which costs me about $15-20 to make.  if they're not really close i spend $5-10.  i make the tote bags because you're right, kids have too many toys nowadays.  my girls could probably go through the next few Christmases and birthdays and only get clothes and still have plenty of toys.

  16. classmate, I do not know around 15 dollar

    Webkins or something like that

    A close frends I kno

    20 to 30 dollars, depends on the child, and what I am getting

  17. Usually around $20, but anywhere between $10 and $30 (the lower end if I find something I consider a great present that just happens to be on sale or something; the upper end only for very close friends, since with four kids going to about 10 parties each a year, things start adding up big-time).

    Occasionally two of my kids will get invited to the same party, in which case I'll usually buy one larger gift, up to about $40.

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