
Birthday problem!!!?

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I don't know what to do for my Birthday it is in the winter and I wanted to go to six flags but I cant cus they aren't open so now what. Please help me. I want something cool for my thirteenth birthday. That would be soooo awesome if you guys could help me. ♥




  1. Here is a list of ideas- pick and choose. Hope I helped, I thought a lot on this!

    -ice skating


    -roller skating

    -Eat in a restaurant

    -sleepover- you could watch a movie and get a takeaway pizza!

    -You could go on a shopping spree then end it with a meal.

    - You sleepover could also be theemed. This year my friend had a pink themed sleepover. Pyjamas had to be pink, pillows pink, rugs pick. PINK PINK PINK!


    - Party indoors- blast some music and get drinks and snacks

    - Swimming party (indoors)

    - You could higher a hall, get some tunes playing and invite MASSES of guys and girls.

    - Karaoke party

    - Make-over party

    - Shopping Party

    - Take everyone to a theeme park

    - Theemed restaurants go down well.

  2. list of stuff:

    ice skating

    roller skating



    out to eat


    anything really

  3. my birthdays in the winter too! i had the best 13th birthday ever! ok so i suggest having it on the weekend that winter break starts. like friday at night after school, or saturday. have a party at your house. invite as many people as you can, boys and girls. get a dj or some great music. have tons of food. tell people fancy or casual clothes. make the decorations all holidayish. itll be like a dance party. & you get to dress up the prettiest ;D but no matter what you do, put a huge smile on your face & have a great time

  4. I say, the natural history museum, then go right next door for the center of science lovers (ask special fro marvin, he'll give you a tour!!) Then hit the senior center for a fabulous round of bingo and some AWESOME prune juice! Later, head for el' taco bell for great quality food. (my favorite dish is the chalupa with extra sour cream.) Lastley, thank you friends with  a gift bag of collectable star wars items and pomogrants. Have tons of fun!

    I wish I could go!

  5. My Birthday is in November, but I throw my party in October so it can be Halloween themed. You could try the movies, or a different month, close to the month you're birthday is acuatlly in, if their is a paticular holiday you enjoy.  

  6. skiing or ice skating is an excellent place to go during the winter. you can also go to indoor places like the movies.

  7. maybe a shopping spree, or i dont know i cant help.

  8. Well, for people to give you ideas, they would have to know were you live so they know what are the options. You could ask your parents if you could invite a few friends and you could try something new like ice skating. Have a sleepover afterwards. That could be fun. Well, hope this helps.

  9. Is there anywhere you could go ice skating in your area? that would be great. My birthday is in the winter so i understand how hard it is to find fun things to do. You could also do a movie night or go to some kind of buffet and arcade. Hope you find something and good luck.

  10. go shopping at the mall and split up your guests in to 3 groups give each group a certain amount of money and make a list of stuff for each group to buy for you and who has the most stuff from on the list @ the end of the party gets a prize  

  11. Go laser tagging! That's always fun ^_^

  12. do something outragous with your 3 best freinds like.......go on a sleding trip and then have a sleepover! or a ski/snowboard trip! or go to a hotel and stay wiyth a bunch of your gf;s in a room and order room service and go hot tubbing at nite! that would be funn!

  13. For my 13th me and my family caught the train to London, to go shopping and sightseeing, i love London, it is my favorite city but my grandparents just moved away from it to be nearer to my newly born cousin but they didn't near me when i was born or when my sister was born...

    anyway, you could try something like that (the London bit).

  14. treasure hunt are always fun... you can modify them to your likings...

  15. my daughter's birthday is 3 days before christmas which means it's easy for other kids to forget AND it's on school vacation too. so what we do is celebrater her half birthday which is the same date but 6 months early. we have half cakes, half cups of juice, half of pretty much everything that is funny to halve (except presents of course, that's the real deal haha)

    you could try that!

    good luck!

  16. ice skating

  17. You can go to a place like Gameworks or John's Incredible Pizza. It's pretty cool cuz its like Chuck E Cheese for teenagers haha
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