i have found over the years that most people have a very negative outlook on birthmothers, i mean the ones that planned and willingly gave up their children, not the ones that abused and lost them.
why? these women made a diffcult choice and now have to live with their decision. what difference does it make if they were terrible people, they knew their life was not stable for a child and opted to give them something better, i my eyes they should be respected for seeing their shortcomings and not forcing a child to live in a home where they would be in want all the time or in the worst case scenerio, just werent loved or wanted.
if more people were that honest with themselves i think alot of societys problems would disappear.
and not to mention, without birthmothers many families would go without ther children they desperately want but are unable to have themselves
maybe i am just nieve, but i completely respect and love my birthmother for what she gave me