
Bismarck and his contribution to german unification?

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Bismarck and his contribution to german unification by 1970




  1. Bismarck is the reason why there is one German nation (Well technically two, Austria is not as of present a part of the German nation). Instead of 5-6 different countries in modern day German area.

    He was just a very good politician. The slimeballs of today would have nothing on him. If he would be running the US right now, we wouldn't have messes like Iraq.

  2. Bismarck is the reason Germany is a country today. He was a strategic military genius who would bait an attack, win, and then would not punish the loser too harshly, in an attempt to gain allies. This was his strategy in the Austro-Prussian War and Franco-Prussian War. Using this strategy, he gained small Germanic kingdoms, and united them with Prussia to make Germany. Unified Germany became an enemy to a majority of the world in 1914, at the onset of World War I, and even more horrendous during World War II.

  3. He became the 1st Chancellor of Germany, he was a very militaristic man. He united Prussia's, North Germany and the Southern Germanic states. He attacked Denmark and Austria (Austro-Prussian War) expand and gain land. He pretty much hated France and tried to stop other countries from allying with them. Then he pushed into France (Franco-Prussian War). He practiced "Realpolitick" which gave him the nickname "Iron Chancellor". The dude was a real bad ***. He won every fight he picked.

    The only thing is that, the guy is from the 1800's and died in 1898 not the 1970's

  4. Yes, Otto von Bismarck contributed to the unification of Germany.

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