
Bit of a rude question but here goes...?

by Guest32040  |  earlier

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is it ok to swallow s***n whilst pregnant?? and also is it safe to have intercourse thronghout pregnancy without inducing labour???

oh and also, i have had really bad cravings for lemon, oranges and apples, i have been eatig at least 1 x lemon, 5 x apple and maybe upto 8 x oranges a day?? is this ok?? i get face on and moody if i dont have my fruit!! am i crazy?




  1. All fine :) haha.

  2. yes, yes and yes! it's okay your not crazy trust me i've met crazy and you do not want to know how crazy a crazy is, trust me.

  3. Yes it's fine you will not induce labour =]

    Also, the fruit is fine, its great and good for you, probably one of the best cravings to have =]

    I know someone who had cravings for Sunny Jim Firelighters - Now that's bad!

  4. s***n is actually a great source of protein. At least that's what I tell my girlfriend, but I read that it actually is good for pregnant women to swallow.  

  5. yes its find

  6. it is always safe to swallow s*** matter when....

    and it is safe to have intercourse while pregnant, but towards the last trimester of pregnancy, s***n can ripen the cervix, as can o****m. and this can lead to inducing be careful especially in the last 10 days.........

    and for the cravings no ur not totaly natural...but if ur gonna get heartburn, then the citric acid in the lemons and oranges could play h**l to ur tummy,,, :)

  7. Swallowing s***n should be fine... 4 weeks to go, I wouldn't have intercourse, and just wait. And your craving for fruit... not a bad thing.

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