I have a Motorola V325i that is inoperable but I understand that I can use BitPim to recover data from it, including deleted text messages. When I click on "find phone" it says no phone found, run settings? So I click yes and set up the phone manually and select V325 (V325i isn't listed). Then when I click "get phone data" it shows that it's busy for awhile then gives an error message: "Device needs attention. The phone is not responding while transitioning mode from phonebook to modem." However, when I click on "view phone info" it does show all the correct info: phone number, serial & model number, battery & signal strength. Also, when I click on filesystem it displays all the files. I was able to view a few deleted messages, although unparsed, in nvm/seem/syn_messg & brew/mod/syncom2/msging. So it appears it is able to read the files but how do I recover the parsed deleted data? I downloaded Motorola Phone Tools so I assumed I had the proper driver. Please help.