
Bitey Hamster Problems?

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I bought a hamster last saturday and she seemed to be doing fine up until this morning, she was in my hands (I handle her every morning if she is awake) and she bit my finger... It didn't break skin but it almost did. Does anyone know what I should do? This is my first female hamster my other three have been male and they never bit/bite me. And she has a patch of pink on her nose that wasn't there yesterday, any suggestions? Thanks!




  1. ciao sono italiano e siete sfigati

  2. If you had your breakfast and forgot to wash your hands after she will bite you , mine does the same : )

  3. female hamsters are usually more defensive then male hamsters.

    since she is new, try wearing gloves, you'll feel the bite but it won't hurt at all.

    and don't be so quick to pick her up, they are just getting used to being in a different place, so try just petting her in her cage, if she runs away just follow her with ur finger. make sure to wear gloves, just in case she bites.

    you may want to talk to her also, just so she knows ur voice, i know my hamster knows mine (i talk a lot to my pets).

    the more you interact with your hamster the more she will get used to you, and if you want to build trust, try feeding her a sunflower seed. they might sniff it and run away, but keep trying, eventually they will take it.  

  4. She tried to escape and bumped her nose as to biting be patient this was her way of saying not now try again if it persist you will need to try giving her hand fed treats and work with retraining her she adjusted and is not as shy

  5. A lot of animals take a nip at your finger, because it could look like food, especially if you just got done eating. All hamsters do tend to take a nip or a bite once in a while, I wouldn't worry about a bite. The pink patch you should call the vet about.

    Hope this helped=) Good luck!

  6. Female hamsters are more nippy then males, especially if she is pregnant.  I just got one from a pet store a week ago and it had babies a few days later so she was nippy.  One good way to get her to stop is to put hand sanitizer on your hands before you handle her.  The alcohol in it will not be appealing to her so unless she really feels in danger it should stop her from biting.  Just don't use too much a normal amount will do.  She may have hurt her nose a little during the night so she is just being touchy.  

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